Could you imagine trying to win a baseball game all by yourself, without any teammates? What if you had to build a house all by yourself? What if your teacher assigned you a group project, but none of your group members helped at all?
It’s hard, frustrating, and sometimes scary to do things all by yourself. When people work together, they can each use their unique talents and skills as they help and cheer for one another. God gives us families, friends, and other people to support and encourage us as we go through the ups and downs of life.
God calls His people together to form a community of believers, the Church. Even though Christians attend many different churches all over the world, we are all part of the “big C” Church. We worship the same God, and we give one another help and encouragement as we live out our faith. All believers from all times are part of this Church, including Abraham, Moses, and all the Old Testament believers, and we will all worship God together in heaven someday!
After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Church faced lots of struggles. Unbelievers arrested believers, hurt them, and even killed them. Christians argued among themselves about how they should live and what they should teach. When Christians faced conflict, violence, and trouble, they turned to the Church. Other Christians reminded them of God’s love and gave them support. We can turn to the Church, too, when we face tough times! God gives us other Christians to help and encourage us in His name.
Let’s pray:
Dear God, thank You for giving us the Church to help and encourage us in good and bad times. Please let us encourage and help other Christians in Your name. We can’t wait to worship You together with all believers in heaven! In Jesus’ name. Amen.