Choose one family member to lead the call while the others respond. Be enthusiastic!
Easter is one of the most, if not the most, joyous times of the year for the Church. After the darkness of Jesus’ death on Good Friday, Easter is a celebration of His victory over sin, death, and the devil. We celebrate by gathering at church with friends and family and by singing songs and hymns. Many of these songs include the word alleluia.
Alleluia is a Greek word that means “Praise God!” It sounds like the word hallelujah, which has the same meaning but comes from Hebrew. Hallelujah and alleluia are exclamations of praise, thanks, and excitement! We say alleluia a lot during worship services, except during the season of Lent. During Lent, we quietly reflect on our sins and ask God to forgive them. And God does just that! On Good Friday, Jesus died for our sins, forgiving us of our sins forever out of His great love for us.
When we remember how Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday, we can’t help but praise Him! Alleluias fill our churches, schools, and homes as we praise our risen Savior! We thank God for saving us from our sins; for sacrificing His Son, Jesus; and for raising Him from the dead! God has defeated death forever, and we are no longer weighed down by our sins. Jesus has paid the price for us, so we give Him alleluias and songs of praise to say thank You.
Let’s pray: