Have you ever had to say good-bye to someone? Maybe the good-bye was pretty easy: “See you tomorrow!” Maybe it was much harder: “See you in heaven someday.” Sometimes, we say good-bye with a card or special message. Sometimes, we say good-bye with time together. Sometimes, we say good-bye with a gift.
Jesus was saying good-bye to His disciples. Jesus had spent three years with these people who had become friends, even brothers. And of course, Jesus is the Son of God, so He loved them just as much as He loves us.
It must have been very hard to say good-bye! Jesus knew that He was going to die on the cross to save them—and us—from every sin. It was going to be a terrible time for Jesus, and He wanted to give His disciples a special message. He wanted to spend some time with them. And He wanted to give them a gift.
In your lessons, you may learn about Jesus’ message to love one another. You may have learned about the special time in the Upper Room, where He washed feet or gave the Lord’s Supper. In all of these things, He gave the disciples—and us—wonderful gifts!
We receive Jesus’ promise to always be with us and His example of humble sacrifice for all. We receive the gift of the Lord’s Supper, which gives forgiveness and life. More than anything, we receive rescue from sin and death because of what Jesus did next: He died for our sins.
This good-bye must have been difficult, but Jesus knew the good-bye wasn’t for long. Just three days later, He rose from the dead, giving us the gift of the resurrection and eternal life!
Because of Jesus, good-byes don’t have to be forever. We know that Jesus will come again someday. We know that we will be reunited with the disciples and all who follow Jesus. In Jesus, “good-bye” is only a “see you later!”
Let’s pray:
Dear Jesus, thank You for promising to always be with me. Thank You for dying and rising for me. Thank You for promising to come back and take me to live with You forever! Help me love others by telling them about You. In Your name I pray. Amen.